Composers Now IMPACT – Gregor Huebner
Virtual Premiere Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12pm
Virtual Premiere Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12pm
Markus Stampfl in conversation with Prof. Gregor Huebner from the University of Music and Theater Munich. Huebner is the founder of the Munich Composers Collective Ensemble.
Catch up on what I’ve been doing and what’s coming up!
December 2020 Newsletter
I recorded this video with the great brass quartet Tetra Brass in Munich. It’s based on Bach’s choral “Es ist genug – It Is Enough.”
Sirius Quartet is proud to present this “Live” Remote concert for the Detroit Institute of Arts
Watch the Progressive Chamber Music Festival 2020
Featuring: Chano Dominguez, solo piano
Jennifer Choi/Kathleen Supove Duo
Sirius Quartet
New song for these exceptional times.